Visa- Free Ceramic Art Workshop in Jingdezhen
10 days = 240 hours
国家移民管理局自2024年12月17日起全面放宽优化过境免签政策,将过境免签外国人在境内停留时间由原 72 小时和 144 小时均延长为 240 小时(10 天)。
The National Immigration Administration of China has fully relaxed and optimised the policy of visa-free transit since 17 December, and extended the period of stay of visa-free transit foreigners in the country from the original 72 hours and 144 hours to 240 hours (10 days).
景德镇作为世界瓷都、千年古镇,陶瓷文化底蕴深厚,制瓷技艺精湛,吸引了众多 “洋景漂” 外国陶瓷艺术家在此以瓷为媒开展文化交流活动。
Jingdezhen, as the world's porcelain capital and a thousand-year-old town with a profound ceramic culture and exquisite porcelain-making skills, has attracted many foreign ceramic artists to carry out cultural exchanges here with porcelain as a medium.
Now Taoxichuan Art Center is launching a 240-hour visa-free ceramic workshop to take you to experience the unique charm of Jingdezhen's ceramic culture!
About Jingdezhen
景德镇,被誉为中国的“瓷都”,拥有超过 2000 年的陶瓷制作历史。这座位于江西省的城市,以其卓越的瓷器闻名于世,长期以来在中国文化中占据重要地位。景德镇不仅是传统陶瓷工艺的传承地,同时也是现代陶瓷艺术创新的重要中心。游客可以参观陶瓷工厂、博物馆,深入了解当地的陶瓷文化,并亲身体验陶艺制作的魅力。这里传统与现代艺术交融,成为历史爱好者与艺术爱好者的天堂。
Jingdezhen, known as the "Porcelain Capital" of China, is a city with a rich history of ceramic production that spans over 2,000 years. Located in Jiangxi Province, it is famous for its high-quality porcelain, which has been highly regarded worldwide. Jingdezhen's ceramics have been a significant part of Chinese culture, with the city being a major center for porcelain craftsmanship, from traditional techniques to modern innovations. Visitors to Jingdezhen can explore its ceramic factories, museums, and cultural heritage, and even participate in hands-on workshops to learn about the art of pottery and porcelain-making. The city's blend of tradition and contemporary art makes it a unique destination for both history enthusiasts and art lovers.
About Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue
陶溪川文创街区位于景德镇东部城区的核心地带,总规划面积达 2 平方公里。该街区以陶瓷工业遗产的保护和利用为基础,致力于产业升级与城市更新,现已发展成为国家级文化产业示范园区。
The Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue is located at the heart of the eastern urban area of Jingdezhen, covering a planned area of 2 square kilometers. It is a cultural and tourism project that integrates industrial upgrading and urban renewal, based on the preservation and utilization of ceramic industrial heritage. TXC is also Jiangxi Province's only national-level cultural industry demonstration park.
Within the avenue, there are various facilities that contribute to the rich cultural and creative atmosphere of the Taoxichuan district, including the Jingdezhen Ceramic Industrial Heritage Museum, the TXC Art Museum, and the Ceramic Academy Education and Research Base, among others. These spaces attract millions of visitors each year, enhancing the district's role as a hub for art and creativity.
Among these establishments, the TXC Art Center stands out as a contemporary institution that specializes in multi-material research and focuses on artist residencies and art education programs. Located within this vibrant cultural landscape, the Art Center not only provides a platform for contemporary artists to create and exchange ideas but also integrates traditional handicraft with innovative design and material research. This unique positioning makes the TXC Art Center an essential part of the district's mission to foster both artistic creation and cultural dialogue in the modern era.
近年来,陶溪川备受政府和社会关注,累计荣获 100 余项国家、省、市级荣誉称号,如:国家文化和科技融合示范基地、2024 年国家知识产权保护市场规范化培训对象、国家创新创业示范基地、国家创业孵化示范基地、国家版权示范园区、国家夜间文化和旅游消费集聚区、国家旅游科技示范园区等。
In recent years, TXC has garnered extensive attention from both the government and society, accumulating over 100 national, provincial, and municipal-level awards. It has also received the titles of National Cultural and Technology Integration Demonstration Base, 2024 National Intellectual Property Protection Market Standardization Training Target, National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base, National Entrepreneurship Incubation Demonstration Base, National Copyright Demonstration Park, National Nighttime Cultural and Tourism Consumption Cluster Zone, and National Tourism Technology Demonstration Park.
About 10-Day Ceramic Art Workshop in Jingdezhen
景德镇10 天陶艺工作营
本次 10 天陶艺工作营将带您沉浸式体验景德镇这一享誉全球的瓷都。为方便国际学员参与,我们的课程特别适配中国的免签政策,让您可以无障碍探索陶瓷工艺与本地文化。工作营包含大师亲授的实践课程、文化考察、历史遗址参观等丰富内容,确保您在这场艺术之旅中收获满满。
Our 10-day ceramic art workshop offers an immersive experience in Jingdezhen, the world-renowned porcelain capital of China. To make participation more accessible, the program aligns with China’s visa-free policy, allowing international participants to seamlessly explore ceramic craftsmanship and local culture. The workshop includes hands-on training with master artisans, cultural excursions, and visits to key historical sites, ensuring a rich and educational journey.
Note: Minimum of 8 persons
For more details, please visit the Visa Policy Website.
|Activity Schedule
10 天陶艺工作营: 仅需 699 美元 / 人
✔ 课程培训费、讲师费用、材料费
✔ 文化之旅 & 景点门票
✔ 保险 & 工作营期间的市内交通
✖ 机票 / 高铁票
✖ 餐饮 & 住宿费用
✖ 签证费
✖ 旅行费用
The price for the 10-Day Ceramic Art Workshop is 699 USD per person ONLY. This includes bus transportation, guided tours, workshop sessions, and insurance, but does not cover meals or accommodation.
Special Notes
Group Size: Ideal for 8–14 participants.
Exclusions: Visa fees and the cost of travel to Jingdezhen, including flights or train tickets prior to arrival, is not included in the program fee.
Lodging Options
陶溪川国际贸易酒店(9 晚):
Taoxichuan International Traders' Hotel for 9 nights:
$330 per person (double room, two people sharing one room)
$660 per person (single room, single occupancy)
(High-standard and comfortable accommodation, including breakfast)
陶公寓(9 晚):
· Tao Apartment for 9 nights:
· $120 per person (double room, with two people sharing one room)
· $240 per person (single room, for single occupancy)
· (Affordable, cozy and comfortable, breakfast not included)
The above prices are for reference only, and the hotel and Taoxichuan Art Center reserve the right of final interpretation.
Get in Touch
For inquiries and registration, please contact our team. We look forward to welcoming you to Jingdezhen for an unforgettable ceramic art experience!